Hey there! Thanks for your interest in writing for isabellemckenzie.com!
Yes, we are currently accepting health & lifestyle guest posts (subject to approval).
In order to inquire about guest posting, please read the following information to find out if we’re a good fit. If you have already been accepted as a contributor, please use the below information as guidelines for your submission.
Please do not contact us before going through the guidelines and making sure that you can meet them.
The following requirements must be thoroughly read and followed for a successful submission. Guest bloggers only looking to have their link shared on this site and not provide quality information will likely be unsuccessful.
Posts that do not meet writing or content standards will be sent back to you for amendments - providing the reader with valuable and relatable content is our first aim. Please make sure that your posts plans fit the theme and content of this site, and contain quality well researched keywords. We can’t wait to share your post!
Keep it on topic.
At the moment, the content we’re looking for is based around the following subjects:
Healthy or sugar-free eating (recipes are welcome)
Low-sugar or sugar-free living
Stories and experiences on a sugar-free lifestyle
Body, mind, and eating positivity
Weight-loss experiences
Vegan or vegetarianism
Themes surrounding sugar balance
Other topics may also be accepted, please reach out with further information about your chosen subject if you think it would fit here. For facts and scientific evidence, please refer to a credible website or medical journal source in your article.
Also, make sure to link to 3-4 established and respected websites inside your article (you may link to one of your own articles if relevant) in order to give the reader the opportunity to continue reading content that benefits them.
Please DO NOT include affiliate links unless we have discussed it. Keep in mind that we may include affiliate links in your article where applicable.
Keep it (relatively) long.
Make sure that your blog piece is at least 1300 words (anything shorter will not be published), though many of our posts range from 2000-7000 (the longer the better). This is to make sure that both your post and our site show up in search engines and to provide the reader with solid information.
Keep it clear.
To make your article digestible for the reader, please use subheadings and bullet-points/numbered lists. Leave plenty of white space in between paragraphs and use clear sentence formats. Keep headings to under 290 words.
You may use bold and italics where applicable.
Keep it original.
Please only submit original content. Content published elsewhere will not be accepted. Content plagarised will not be accepted.
Keep It Friendly and Personal.
Please take a moment to read over our about page and one of our blog posts. All submitted content must be in keeping with the tone and philosophy found in that content, as well as the content from the rest of the site.
The posts we share here are friendly, positive, and genuine. We encourage the use of personality and personal anecdotes as well of use of the first-person plural and second person grammatical persons in order to establish relatability with the reader, however exceptions can be made for science based articles, technical articles, or where applicable.
Keep it keyword friendly.
For a detailed guide on keywords, please refer to this article by Hubspot.
Here’s the breakdown:
Focus on one to two main keywords that should be included in the article name (headline), the first paragraph (or summary), and at least 6 other places in the article (including a few subheadings). Please don’t just ‘throw it in’ - the keywords should fit within the natural flow of the piece.
Please also feel free to include several more ‘easy’ ranking sub-keywords into your article (where applicable and natural). This will help your article be more ‘search console sticky’.
Your keyword(s) must be well researched and specific. Please use Google Keyword Planner or Keysearch to look up keyword stats. Choose specific keywords (for example, ‘is sugar addiction real’ instead of simply ‘sugar’). The keyword(s) should have roughly 200-1000 searches a month and be ‘easy’ or ‘moderately easy’ keysearch phrases (unless it’s a ‘moderately difficult’ keyword, in that case it should have more than 1200).
Please include the results of your keyword research when sending your article plan to us. Don’t know how to plan keywords? Let us know and we can help.
Picking A Headline.
We recommend that you use this headline analyzer by CoSchedule to research the ‘click through friendliness’ of your title, aiming for a score of 68+.
Using your bio.
Please send through a brief bio (up to 690 characters). If you’d like to share your social links, please keep them inside your bio character count and format them using the following example:
Follow me on Instagram: @ItsIsabelleM | Follow me on Pinterest: @ItsIsabelleM
Make sure to include a link back to your website.
Planning to use images?
Please feel welcome to include images in your guest post (especially photos of you, or photos relating directly to something described in the article). If you’d like to include shareable or informational images for your guest post, please keep them fitting within our brand colours (if possible). These are:
#ffffff (black)
#ffcf00 (yellow)
#ec5d79 (pink)
#343434 (grey)
The font does not have to be specific. Vertical images are welcome.
Once your article is publish, please take the time to share it out through all of your social media platforms. We will make the same efforts promote it. We will create 3-7 pins in our brand colours for Pinterest sharing, as well as Facebook and Twitter friendly images.
Please also take the time to create at least three pins in your own branding to link back to your guest post in order to increase traffic.
Once you are ready to submit a guest post, please send an email through to hello@isabellemckenzie.com.
Include your proposed subject, keyword(s), and keyword research (monthly searches and difficulty).
If we’d like to publish your idea, you’ll hear back from us quickly with a timeline and any further questions. Once you’ve written your piece, please send it through using a word document or by copy/pasting it into an email. We do not currently use Google docs.
Make sure to include your bio, your website and/or social media links, and a picture of you.
Please attach any further images, and include a brief description of them as well as where it the article you’d like them placed.
(Note: we may include links to other posts on our site/other respected or free downloads that are relevant to your post. If you have an affiliate program, we may be interested in joining - please do let us know. We also may include CTAs for other resources that can benefit/interest the reader. You will be able to review the final draft before publishing.)