Isabelle McKenzie

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How Living Healthily Can Be Simpler Than You Think


With the health industry as huge as it is, often promoting equipment, products, supplements and routines as much as it can, it’s easy to assume living healthily would be a highly expensive and intensely complex affair. But the truth is, most of the specific considerations, you don’t actually need. For example, while expensive gym wear or yoga pants might seem like the best investment, do you really need them to partake in healthy activity? Not really.

The same goes for super fancy weightlifting gear - unless you’re competing, you probably don’t need to store all of that elastic energy in the bottom of the squat, when a pair of good weightlifting shoes would have been fine.

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The fact is that if you stick to basic principles, living more healthily can be simpler than you first assumed. In this post, we’ll discuss a few reasons as to why this is, and what pinnacle processes you should stick to:

Simple Exercises, Like Walking & Pilates Can Be Enough

You don’t need a gym membership or a super impressive home gym setup to get in shape. Simple exercises, like walking and Pilates, can be incredibly effective. Walking, for instance, is a low-impact exercise that almost everyone can do. Not only is that great for cardiovascular health and can be done anywhere, but it’s awesome for your joints. 

Pilates, on the other hand, focuses on strength, flexibility, and posture. A lot goes into pilates instructor training, but getting into the exercise recreationally doesn’t require much more than a mat and a small amount of space to get used to it. Both of these exercises are accessible, affordable, and easy to fit into your daily routine. Why wait?

Don’t Overthink Healthy Food, Have Fun With It!

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be about strict diets or expensive recipes. Our website is a testament to just focusing on enjoying the process with simple recipes that you like. Start with fresh ingredients and cook simple meals. You don't need to count every calorie or follow the latest diet trend forever. Instead, try to fill your plate with a variety of colors – fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Calorie counting apps can help, but good portion control and three balanced, healthy meals a day is enough  Don’t forget that cooking at home can be a fun activity, too!

Use The “What If I Did This?” Mentality For Your Motivation

We know that often, the hardest part of living healthily is staying motivated. That’s where the “What if I did this?” mentality can erode those doubts. Instead of seeing healthy living as a series of rigid rules, think of it as a series of opportunities. What if you took a walk during your lunch break? What if you tried a new healthy recipe tonight? Sure, you feel tired, but what if you went for that run? Odds are you wouldn’t regret it. This kind of attitude helps you try to look over the idea of failing, and instead what would happen if you picked the healthier option. It forces you to think of a better approach, and that in itself can be a wonderfully inspiring change.

*contributed post


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That’s it from us, 👋


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