Isabelle McKenzie

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Maintaining Your Health on the Go: Staying Fit and Fresh While Traveling


Travel is an exciting journey full of unforgettable memories, especially during the winter and new year. However, with all the sweet holiday treats, delicious hotel foods, and days full of baking and having fun while at family and friends, it can be hard to stay focused on your healthy low sugar and balanced body goals. So today, we’re going over a few easy steps you can take to help maintain weight and health during your travels over the holiday and beyond!

Integrate Exercise Into Your Travel Itinerary

Although adding exercise into your travel itinerary might seem challenging, incorporating physical activity can be both straightforward and enjoyable. From hotels, hostels, and Airbnbs all the way to camping grounds - there are always fun opportunities for exercise! Ideally, if your accommodation offers gym access then take full advantage of it; otherwise there are always plenty of other ways to get moving such as going jogging, brisk walking around your surroundings, attending local yoga classes or doing bodyweight workouts right in your room. Any amount of exercise can make a big difference to health while traveling and keep your heart pumping strong! As a little bonus, it can also help to keep your body feeling energized during all of the irregular sleep patterns you may be encountering.

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Supplement Your Diet with Daily Packs

While traveling, diet can often become disrupted and lead to potential nutritional deficiencies. A great way to combat this is by packing daily supplement packs. Multivitamins, probiotics and any other essential supplements you normally take should help fill in nutritional gaps. Some travel-friendly options for supplements are individual sachets or pill cases - to take alongside a balanced diet and fill any potential nutritional gaps. Always consult with a healthcare provider prior to beginning any new supplement regime as they should never replace meals themselves!

Eating Smart

Nutrition is key when traveling. While it can be tempting to indulge in local delicacies, fast food and convenience store snacks while on the move, these options may lack essential vitamins and nutrients your body requires for healthy functioning. Make sure that you balance any indulgent treats with nutritious food options - such as fruits, veggies, lean meats, or whole grains. Staying hydrated is key, and having access to safe tap water may not always be available in every location. Making mindful choices regarding what and how much food we eat doesn't mean having to sacrifice exploring local cuisine, but rather making decisions based on personal goals.

Do Not Overdo It

While travelling can be exhilarating, it can also be easy to overexert yourself and try to squeeze every activity possible into one day. But overexerting can cause fatigue and weaken your immune system, increasing the risk of illness. Remember, your health should always come first: resist the urge to fill every moment with strenuous activities. Instead plan time out to rest and relax instead. Likewise, beware the lure of overindulgence when it comes to local cuisine or excessive alcohol consumption as this too can take its toll on both physical as well as psychological health effects - moderation is key!

Disregard the Importance of Sleep

Travel can often make it easy to overlook the importance of getting sufficient restful slumber. Poor quality slumber can result in fatigue, mood swings, impaired judgement, and decreased immunity - symptoms which may compromise daily activities like work. As much as possible, try sticking to your regular sleeping schedule when traveling across time zones; otherwise gradually adjust it in order to minimize jet lag effects and pack earplugs and eye masks for uninterrupted restful slumber.


Travel is undoubtedly an enriching experience, but should not come at the cost of your health. By including these tips into your travels, you can ensure a healthier, happier trip - remember, health is wealth!

*contributed post


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That’s it from us, 👋


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