Isabelle McKenzie

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3 Lifestyle Choices That Could Be Affecting Your Health


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The choices you make in your daily life can have a tremendous influence on your overall well-being - especially when it comes to food. Bingeing on added sugars and not replacing them with healthier options can disrupt your body’s natural ability to process insulin. In fact, with the average poor diet and lifestyle choices we see commonly today, 46% of the world’s population are on track to develop diabetes by 2045. Some of these lifestyle choices may seem innocent, but before you know it, they would have set you on a path of chronic ailments that could have been avoided. Today we’re going over 3 overlooked but super common habits we fall into.

1. Sedentary lifestyles

Sometimes, the nature of your job makes you sit in one place for several hours without moving. Office jobs where people sit behind their computers for many hours and even working at home at your desk can be pretty tricky culprits. Unfortunately, prolonged hours of sitting contribute to excessive weight gain and muscle loss which can progress into a host of health issues if left unchecked. Research has also shown that an increasing number of cardiovascular cases are due to sedentary lifestyles.

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The solution to this widespread problem is to get moving - literally. No matter how sedentary your job is, being conscious about your physical activities can keep many lifestyle ailments at bay. It doesn’t need to be much - you can simply get up and walk in place for a minute every 30 minutes, or take a quick walk to that coffee machine. Every step counts. The human body is designed to move; therefore, a lack of it causes a series of health-compromising results. In other words, regular exercise is fundamental to good health, but so are small consistent movements and desk breaks. Small changes like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can make a big difference.

2. Unhealthy eating habits

Many processed foods contain unhealthy fats, refined sugars, and sodium. These three food elements increase excessive weight gain and other avoidable health problems like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. Admittedly, dietary convenience in modern times makes processed foods easily accessible, but you can override that through your choices. We have to try our best to remain resolute about reducing or avoiding sugary treats and unhealthy foods with zero nutrition. It all starts with you and the decision to eat healthier.

First, incorporate a nutrient-rich diet into your daily routine. Whole grains must be a constant feature in your diet because they help keep you fuller for longer. Research has shown that whole grains are critical in helping you maintain a healthy weight while controlling blood sugar levels. Work on balancing portions of veggies, proteins and carbs, and if needs be, try adopting mindfulness practices to avoid overeating.

3. Poor stress coping mechanisms

Stress is not entirely bad, and you’re about to discover why. A Summa Health report stated that good stress enhances energy focus and boosts performance. This is only good in the short term. The problem, however, is that when it is prolonged, it becomes bad stress. Chronic stress is responsible for many mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and poor anger management. It’s why experts advocate for healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress. You can combat stress if you decide to put your general well-being first. Prioritize self-care practices like mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, and sleep. Don’t forget to engage in hobbies that help relax your mind and calm your nerves. It can be challenging to combat chronic stress initially, but it’ll become easier over time. You will also be successful at it by knowing what your stress triggers are.

*contributed post


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That’s it from us, 👋


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